- Clk:时钟信号
- Reset:重置(初始化)信号
- Data_in:16位数据总线(输入)
- Data_out:16位数据总线(输出)
- Address:12位地址总线(地址总线的宽度小于数据总线是为了简化设计)
- Rd:读信号,指示读取地址总线指向的内存中的数据到输入数据总线中。
- Wr:写信号,指示将输出数据总线上的数据写入到地址总线指向的内存中。(注:Rd和Wr不可同时为高位)
- Halted:用于指示MU0处于停止状态
指令编码 | 助记符 | 功能描述 |
0000 | LDA S | 读取,将内存地址S中的数据读取到累加器。 |
0001 | STA S | 写入,将累加器中的数据写入到内存地址S。 |
0010 | ADD S | 加法运算,将内存地址S中的值加到累加器中。 |
0011 | SUB S | 减法运算,从累加器中减去内存地址S中的值。 |
0100 | JMP S | 跳转,跳转至指令地址S。 |
0101 | JGE S | 条件跳转,如果累加器中的值大于或等于0则跳转。 |
0110 | JNE S | 条件跳转,如果累加器中的值非0则跳转。 |
0111 | STP | 停止指令,停止处理器继续运行。 |
1000-1111 | – | 保留编码,未使用。 |
- 2选1多路复用器 – 分为12位和16位两种。其中
因各自连接不同的数据总线,为16位;AddrMux连接地址总线,为12位。 - 寄存器 – 同样分为12位和16位。IRReg为指令寄存器,存储当前执行的指令,为16位;ACCReg为累加器,16位;PCReg为程序计数器,存储下一条指令内存地址,为12位。
- ALU算术逻辑单元 – 这一部分的详细内容参见之前的文章ALU算术逻辑单元。
- 标志位模块 – 根据累加器的值输出标志位信号N(负值)和Z(零值)。
module mu0_mux12(input wire [11:0] A, input wire [11:0] B, input wire S, output reg [11:0] Q); // Combinatorial logic for 2to1 multiplexor // S is select, A channel0, B channel1 always @ (*) case (S) 1'b0: Q = A; 1'b1: Q = B; default: Q = 12'hXXX; endcase endmodule module mu0_mux16(input wire [15:0] A, input wire [15:0] B, input wire S, output reg [15:0] Q); // Combinatorial logic for 2to1 multiplexor // S is select, A channel0, B channel1 always @ (*) case (S) 1'b0: Q = A; 1'b1: Q = B; default: Q = 16'hXXXX; endcase endmodule
module mu0_reg12(input wire Clk, input wire Reset, input wire En, input wire [11:0] D, output reg [11:0] Q); // behavioural code - clock driven always @ (posedge Clk, posedge Reset) if (Reset) // reset Q <= 12'h000; else if (En) // update Q when En is high Q <= D; endmodule module mu0_reg16(input wire Clk, input wire Reset, input wire En, input wire [15:0] D, output reg [15:0] Q); // behavioural code - clock driven always @ (posedge Clk, posedge Reset) if (Reset) // reset Q <= 16'h0000; else if (En) // update Q when En is high Q <= D; endmodule
module mu0_flags(input wire [15:0] Acc, output reg N, output reg Z); // Combinatorial logic always @(*) begin Z = ~|Acc; // When Acc equals 0, Zero flag is set N = Acc[15]; // When negative bit of Acc is set, Negative flag is set end endmodule
- Clk:时钟信号,使用统一的时钟同步更新所有寄存器来更新系统的状态。
- Reset:重置信号,接收到高电平时重置寄存器的值。
- Data_in:16位输入数据总线。
- X_sel:XMux的选择信号。
- Y_sel:YMux的选择信号。
- Addr_sel:AddrMux的选择信号。
- PC_En:控制PCReg是否处于激活状态,只有处于激活状态时寄存器才能进行数据读写。
- IR_En:控制IRReg是否处于激活状态。
- Acc_En:控制ACCReg是否处于激活状态。
- M:控制ALU的工作模式,两位。
- F:指令数据的前四位,即指令编码。
- Address:12位地址总线。
- Data_out:16位输出数据总线。
- N:标志位负值信号。
- Z:标志位零值信号。
module mu0_datapath(input wire Clk, input wire Reset, input wire [15:0] Data_in, input wire X_sel, input wire Y_sel, input wire Addr_sel, input wire PC_En, input wire IR_En, input wire Acc_En, input wire [1:0] M, output wire [3:0] F, // top 4 bits of the instruction output wire [11:0] Address, output wire [15:0] Data_out, output wire N, output wire Z); // Internal signals for datapath schematic wire [11:0] PC; wire [15:0] IR, ALU, Acc, X, Y; // Instantiate Datapath components // Uses explicit dot pins - safer than position substitution //MU0 registers mu0_reg12 PCReg(Clk, Reset, PC_En, ALU[11:0], PC); mu0_reg16 IRReg(Clk, Reset, IR_En, Data_in, IR); mu0_reg16 ACCReg(Clk, Reset, Acc_En, ALU, Acc); // MU0 multiplexors mu0_mux16 XMux(Acc, {4'h0,PC}, X_sel, X); mu0_mux16 YMux(Data_in, IR, Y_sel, Y); mu0_mux12 AddrMux(PC, IR[11:0], Addr_sel, Address); // MU0 ALU mu0_alu mu0_ALU(X, Y, M, ALU); // MU0 Flag generation mu0_flags FLAGS(Acc, N, Z); // Buffer added to take care od X and Data_out are the same buf DOUTBuf[15:0] (Data_out, X); // Buffer added F is op 4 bits of the instruction buf FBuf[3:0] (F, IR[15:12]); endmodule
- fetch:指示FSM的当前状态,当处于
阶段时为高电平。 - Halted:指示处理器处于停止运行状态,通常由STP指令触发。
module mu0_fsm(input wire Clk, input wire Reset, input wire Halted, output reg state); // internal variables reg next_state; // Behavioural description // determine the next state always @ (*) begin case (state) 1'b0: next_state = 1'b1; 1'b1: if (Halted) next_state = 1'b1; else next_state = 1'b0; default: next_state = 1'bx; endcase end // perform the assignment to current state always @ (posedge Clk, posedge Reset) begin if (Reset) state <= 1'b0; else state <= next_state; end endmodule
module mu0_decode(input wire state, // System clock input wire [3:0] F, // Bits [15:12] of the IR input wire N, // Negative flag input wire Z, // Zero flag output reg fetch, // Used for debug output reg PC_En, // Update PC output reg IR_En, // Update IR output reg Acc_En, // Update Acc output reg X_sel, // Data Out mux(X port on ALU) 0 for Acc, 1 for PC output reg Y_sel, // mux, Y port on ALU, 0 for Data In, 1 for Instr output reg Addr_sel, // mux, 0 for PC, 1 for IR output reg [1:0] M, // ALU op, 0) Y, 1) X+Y, 2) X+1, 3) X-Y output reg Rd, // Memory read output reg Wr, // Memory write output reg Halted); // MU0 stopped // Control decode always @ (*) begin case (state) 1'b0: // fetch begin fetch = 1'b1; PC_En = 1'b1; IR_En = 1'b1; Acc_En = 1'b0; M = 2'b10; X_sel = 1'b1; Y_sel = 1'bX; Addr_sel = 1'b0; Rd = 1'b1; Wr = 1'b0; Halted = 1'b0; end 1'b1: // execute begin fetch = 1'b0; case (F) 4'b0000: //LDA begin PC_En = 1'b0; IR_En = 1'b0; Acc_En = 1'b1; M = 2'b00; X_sel = 1'bX; Y_sel = 1'b0; Addr_sel = 1'b1; Rd = 1'b1; Wr = 1'b0; Halted = 1'b0; end 4'b0001: //STA begin PC_En = 1'b0; IR_En = 1'b0; Acc_En = 1'b0; M = 2'bXX; X_sel = 1'b0; Y_sel = 1'bX; Addr_sel = 1'b1; Rd = 1'b0; Wr = 1'b1; Halted = 1'b0; end 4'b0010: //ADD begin PC_En = 1'b0; IR_En = 1'b0; Acc_En = 1'b1; M = 2'b01; X_sel = 1'b0; Y_sel = 1'b0; Addr_sel = 1'b1; Rd = 1'b1; Wr = 1'b0; Halted = 1'b0; end 4'b0011: //SUB begin PC_En = 1'b0; IR_En = 1'b0; Acc_En = 1'b1; M = 2'b11; X_sel = 1'b0; Y_sel = 1'b0; Addr_sel = 1'b1; Rd = 1'b1; Wr = 1'b0; Halted = 1'b0; end 4'b0100: //JMP begin PC_En = 1'b1; IR_En = 1'b0; Acc_En = 1'b0; M = 2'b00; X_sel = 1'bX; Y_sel = 1'b1; Addr_sel = 1'bX; Rd = 1'b0; Wr = 1'b0; Halted = 1'b0; end 4'b0101: //JGE if (N) // N==1, do not jump begin PC_En = 1'b0; IR_En = 1'b0; Acc_En = 1'b0; M = 2'bXX; X_sel = 1'bX; Y_sel = 1'bX; Addr_sel = 1'bX; Rd = 1'b0; Wr = 1'b0; Halted = 1'b0; end else // N==0, jump begin PC_En = 1'b1; IR_En = 1'b0; Acc_En = 1'b0; M = 2'b00; X_sel = 1'bX; Y_sel = 1'b1; Addr_sel = 1'bX; Rd = 1'b0; Wr = 1'b0; Halted = 1'b0; end 4'b0110: //JNE if (Z) // Z==1, do not jump begin PC_En = 1'b0; IR_En = 1'b0; Acc_En = 1'b0; M = 2'bXX; X_sel = 1'bX; Y_sel = 1'bX; Addr_sel = 1'bX; Rd = 1'b0; Wr = 1'b0; Halted = 1'b0; end else // Z==0, jump begin PC_En = 1'b1; IR_En = 1'b0; Acc_En = 1'b0; M = 2'b00; X_sel = 1'bX; Y_sel = 1'b1; Addr_sel = 1'bX; Rd = 1'b0; Wr = 1'b0; Halted = 1'b0; end 4'b0111: //STP begin PC_En = 1'b0; IR_En = 1'b0; Acc_En = 1'b0; M = 2'bXX; X_sel = 1'bX; Y_sel = 1'bX; Addr_sel = 1'bX; Rd = 1'b0; Wr = 1'b0; Halted = 1'b1; end default: // undefined instruction begin PC_En = 1'b0; IR_En = 1'b0; Acc_En = 1'b0; M = 2'bXX; X_sel = 1'bX; Y_sel = 1'bX; Addr_sel = 1'bX; Rd = 1'b0; Wr = 1'b0; Halted = 1'b0; end endcase end default: // undefined state begin fetch = 1'bX; PC_En = 1'b0; IR_En = 1'b0; Acc_En = 1'b0; M = 2'bXX; X_sel = 1'bX; Y_sel = 1'bX; Addr_sel = 1'bX; Rd = 1'b0; Wr = 1'b0; Halted = 1'b0; end endcase end endmodule
完成Control Block
module mu0_control(input wire Clk, // System clock input wire Reset, // System reset input wire [3:0] F, // Bits [15:12] of the IR input wire N, // Negative flag input wire Z, // Zero flag output wire fetch, // Used for debug output wire PC_En, // Update PC output wire IR_En, // Update IR output wire Acc_En, // Update Acc output wire X_sel, // Data Out mux(X port on ALU) 0 for Acc, 1 for PC output wire Y_sel, // mux, Y port on ALU, 0 for Data In, 1 for Instr output wire Addr_sel, // mux, 0 for PC, 1 for IR output wire [1:0] M, // ALU op, 0) Y, 1) X+Y, 2) X+1, 3) X-Y output wire Rd, // Memory read output wire Wr, // Memory write output wire Halted); // MU0 stopped //Internal signals wire state; // Instantiate MU0 FSM // Uses explicit dot pins - safer than position substitution mu0_fsm fsm(Clk, Reset, Halted, state); // Instantiate Control decode mu0_decode decode(state, F, N, Z, fetch, PC_En, IR_En, Acc_En, X_sel, Y_sel, Addr_sel, M, Rd, Wr, Halted); endmodule
I have a Datapath
, I have a Control
~~ Ah, MU0
module mu0(input wire Clk, input wire Reset, input wire [15:0] Data_in, output wire Rd, output wire Wr, output wire [11:0] Addr, output wire [15:0] Data_out, output wire Halted); // Internal flags wire N; wire Z; // Internal control signals wire X_sel; wire Y_sel; wire Addr_sel; wire PC_En; wire IR_En; wire Acc_En; // Internal buses wire [3:0] F; wire [1:0] M; // Internal debug signals wire fetch; //Instantiate Datapath mu0_datapath datapath(Clk, Reset, Data_in, X_sel, Y_sel, Addr_sel, PC_En, IR_En, Acc_En, M, F, Addr, Data_out, N, Z); // Instantiate Control mu0_control control(Clk, Reset, F, N, Z, fetch, PC_En, IR_En, Acc_En, X_sel, Y_sel, Addr_sel, M, Rd, Wr, Halted); endmodule
; Begin program at reset address. Acc, pc, and ir should all be 0 after reset ORG 0 ; Test store to memory STA result1 ; Store acc into memory loc result1. result1 = 0 ; Test load accumulator from memory LDA neg ; Acc should be set to 'h8000 STA result2 ; Store value of acc to memory. result2 = 'h8000 ; Simple adder overflow test ADD neg ; Acc should overflow to 0 ('h8000 + 'h8000) STA result3 ; Store the addition result to memory. result3 = 0 ; Simple subtraction test SUB one ; Acc should be 'hFFFF(0 - 1 = -1) STA result4 ; Store the subtraction result to memory. result4 = 'hFFFF ; Test unconditional jump(JMP) - (always jump) ; If JMP passes result5 = 'h1A55, else result5 = 'hFA01 JMP jmp1ok ; Pc should be set to jmp1ok LDA jmperr1 ; If jump fails load error value STA result5 ; If jump fails set memory to failure value. ; Test conditional jump(JNE) based on the Z(zero) flag ; Relies on the JMP instr already being tested and working ; Test JNE for when Z flag is NOT set ; If JNE jumps when it should result6 = 'h1A55, else result6 = 'hFA02 jmp1ok LDA one ; (Z)zero flag not set JNE jmp2ok ; Jump SHOULD be taken and execute the "pass" reporting code ; error reporting code LDA jmperr2 ; If JNE failed load the acc with error value STA result6 ; If JNE failed set memory to failure value. result6 = 'hFA02 JMP fail1 ; If JNE failed, then jump over the "pass" reporting code ; pass reporting code jmp2ok LDA pass1 ; If jump taken load the acc with the pass value STA result6 ; If jump taken set memory to pass value. result6 = 'h1A55 ; If JNE jumps when it should NOT result7 = 'hFA03, else result7 = 'h1A55 ; Test JNE for when Z flag is set fail1 LDA zero ; (Z)zero flag set JNE fail2 ; If JNE jumps here, it shouldn't have, execute error reporting code JMP jmp3ok ; If JNE was ok, then execute the "pass" reporting code ; error reporting code fail2 LDA jmperr3 ; If JNE jumped when it should not have, then load error value STA result7 ; If JNE fails set memory loc to failure value. result7 = 'hFA03 JMP stop ; If JNE failed, then jump over the "pass" reporting code ; pass reporting code jmp3ok LDA pass1 ; Load the acc with the pass value STA result7 ; Set memory to pass value. result6 = 'h1A55 ; End of test for conditional jump(JNE) based on the Z(zero) flag stop STP ; STOP - HALT program done JMP done ; Just in case stop instr fails one DEFW 1 ; one neg DEFW &8000 ; -max zero DEFW &0000 ; zero jmperr1 DEFW &FA01 ; jump fail values jmperr2 DEFW &FA02 jmperr3 DEFW &FA03 pass1 DEFW &1A55 ; jump pass value ; result storage area result1 DEFW &FFFF result2 DEFW &0000 result3 DEFW &FFFF result4 DEFW &0000 result5 DEFW &1A55 result6 DEFW &0000 result7 DEFW &0000
`define MEM_SIZE 12'hEFF // Size of RAM // module definition module mu0_memory(input wire Clk, input wire Wr, input wire Rd, input wire [11:0] Addr, input wire [15:0] Data_in, output reg [15:0] Data_out); reg [15:0] mem [12'h000:`MEM_SIZE]; // memory array initial $readmemh("MU0_test.mem", mem); // load default MU0 test program // RAM always @ (negedge Clk) // Done to make SRAM look like asynchronous RAM, makes simulation work begin if(Wr) mem[Addr] <= Data_in; // Write cpu data to ram if(Rd) Data_out <= mem[Addr]; // CPU reads from ram end endmodule
`timescale 1ns/100ps module mu0_tb(); // Internal connections reg Reset; reg Clk; wire Rd; wire Wr; wire [15:0] Data_in; wire [15:0] Data_out; wire [11:0] Address; wire Halted; // Instantiate mu0 as dut (device under test) // Instantiate mu0_memory as memory mu0 dut(Clk, Reset, Data_in, Rd, Wr, Address, Data_out, Halted); mu0_memory memory(Clk, Wr, Rd, Address, Data_out, Data_in); // Set up the clock initial Clk=1'b0; always #50 Clk = ~Clk; // Perform a reset action of MU0 initial begin Reset=1'b1; // when reset goes high, the output should not change with the rising edge of the clock #200 Reset=1'b0; #3500 #100 $finish; // exit the simulation - could tie this to the Halted signal going high end // Save results as VCD file // Do not change initial begin $dumpfile("mu0_tb_results.vcd"); // Save simulation waveforms in this file $dumpvars; // Capture all simulation waveforms end endmodule
iverilog -y. -o mu0_output mu0_tb.v vvp mu0_output gtkwave mu0_tb_results.vcd
I don't want to tell
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