底层原理,  技术人生




  1. 记录函数参数
  2. 记录调用方地址,以便函数执行结束后跳转继续运行原程序
  3. 跳转至函数体
  4. 使用函数参数
  5. 执行函数体(可能包含一系列计算和对其他函数的调用)
  6. 记录返回值
  7. 跳转至调用方地址
  8. 获取函数返回值




  1. 函数参数
  2. LR寄存器的值(link register,存储外部调用方的地址用于函数返回后程序跳转继续执行)
  3. 计算过程中可能涉及的原寄存器中的值
  4. 函数返回结果
  5. 局部变量
  6. 任何其他临时的具有短暂生命周期的数据






me	...		; a method that finds out things about me
	PUSH {LR}	; push LR - me will call other methods
	PUSH {R0-R6}	; push any registers used by ‘me’
	SUB SP, SP, #36	; create 9 variables for ‘me’
	...		;
	PUSH {R0,R1,R2}	; push the three parameters for age
	BL age		; method call
next	...
	ADD SP, SP, #36	; discard the variable space
	POP {R0-R6}	; recover the protected registers
	LDR PC, [SP],#20	; discard 4 parameters, return

age			; a method that finds a person’s age
	PUSH {LR}	; push LR - age will call other methods
	PUSH {R0-R4}	; age uses R0-R4, protect for caller
	SUB SP, SP, #48	; create 12 variables for ‘age’
	...		; calculating age
	BL SomeOtherMethod	; calculating age
	...		; calculating age
	ADD SP, SP, #48	; discard the variable space
	POP {R0-R4}	; recover the protected registers
	LDR PC, [SP],#16	; discard 3 parameters, return


BL指令将它的下一条指令的地址存储至LR寄存器中,然后跳转到函数标签指向的指令处。当函数执行结束后,可使用MOV PC, LR跳转回调用方。PUSHPOP是两条伪指令,其作用是按照寄存器数值递减的顺序入栈或递增的顺序出栈,实际指令为STMFDLDMFD,这里不做额外解释。当需要分配或丢弃栈空间时,可直接对SP指针执行加减操作。






B	main
s1	DEFB "one\0"		; 定义字符串s1
s2	DEFB "two\0"		; 定义字符串s2

printstring			; 定义函数标签
l1	LDRB	R0, [R1], #1	; 从R1读取一个字符到R0,同时令R1指向下一个字符
	CMP	R0, #0		; 判断是否到达尾部'\0'字符
	BEQ	end		; 若遍历结束,则跳出循环
	SVC	0		; 字符输出(系统调用)
	B	l1		; 循环l1

	MOV  R0, #10		; 将回车符'\n'加载到R0
	SVC  0			; 输出回车符
	MOV  PC, LR		; 恢复LR中存储的调用方程序地址

	ADR R1, s1		; 加载s1首地址到R1
	BL  printstring		; 将下一条指令地址存储到LR后跳转执行函数
	ADR R1, s2
	BL  printstring


l3	LDRB	R0, [R1], #1
	CMP	R0, #0
	BNE	l3		; 遍历直到R1字符串尾部

	SUB R1, R1, #1		; 令R1指向尾部'\0'字符
l4	LDRB	R0, [R2], #1	; 读取R2中的下一个字符
	STRB	R0, [R1], #1	; 将字符拼接到R1尾部
	CMP	R0, #0		; 判断是否遍历结束R2
	BNE	l4



l2	LDRB	R0, [R2], #1	; 读取R2中的下一个字符
	STRB	R0, [R1], #1	; 存储到R1尾部
	CMP	R0, #0		; 判断是否遍历到达R2尾部
	BNE	l2



	STR LR, return2		; 保存LR,为子函数的嵌套调用做准备
l5	LDRB	R4, [R2], #1	; 加载R2的下一个字符到R4中
	LDRB	R5, [R3], #1	; 加载R3的下一个字符到R5中
	CMP	R4, #0		;  判断是否到达R2尾部
	BEQ	end2
	CMP	R5, #0		;  判断是否到达R3尾部
	BEQ	end2
	CMP	R4, R5		; 字符比较
	BEQ	l5		; 若相等则继续循环,否则跳出
	BL	function	; 子函数调用,比较最终的两个字符

	LDR  PC, return2 	; 从临时内存中恢复外部调用方地址
return2 DEFW 0			; 定义临时内存,用于保存LR寄存器

function	CMP	R4, R5	; 字符比较,得出结果反映在标志位寄存器中
	MOV	PC, LR		; 根据LR的值,回到函数体内部



pDay = 23    #or whatever is today's date
pMonth = 11  #or whatever is this month
pYear = 2005 #or whatever is this year

def printAgeHistory (bDay, bMonth, bYear):
    year = bYear + 1
    age = 1

    print("This person was born on " + str(bDay) + "/" + str(bMonth) + "/" + str(bYear))
    while year < pYear or \
          (year == pYear and bMonth < pMonth) or \
          (year == pYear and bMonth == pMonth and bDay < pDay):
          print("This person was " + str(age) + " on " + str(bDay) + "/" + str(bMonth) + "/" + str(year))
          year = year + 1
          age = age + 1
    if (bMonth == pMonth and bDay == pDay):
        print("This person is " + str(age) + " today!")
        print("This person will be " + str(age) + " on " + str(bDay) + "/" + str(bMonth) + "/" + str(year))

def main():
    printAgeHistory(pDay, pMonth, 2000)
    print("Another person")
    printAgeHistory(13, 11, 2000)

if __name__ == '__main__':


print_char	equ	0		; Define names to aid readability
stop		equ	2
print_str	equ	3
print_no	equ	4

cLF		equ	10		; Line-feed character

		ADR	SP, _stack	; set SP pointing to the end of our stack
		B	main

		DEFS	100		; this chunk of memory is for the stack
_stack					; This label is 'just after' the stack space

wasborn		DEFB	"This person was born on ",0
was		DEFB	"This person was ",0
on		DEFB	" on ",0
is		DEFB	"This person is ",0
today		DEFB	" today!",0
willbe		DEFB	"This person will be ",0

pDay		  DEFW	23		;  pDay = 23    //or whatever is today's date
pMonth		DEFW	11		;  pMonth = 11  //or whatever is this month
pYear		  DEFW	2005	;  pYear = 2005 //or whatever is this year

; def printDate (day, month, year)

; parameters
;  R7 = day
;  R8 = month
;  R9 = year
; local variables (callee-saved registers)
;  R0 (allow SVC to output via R0)

	STR	R0, [SP, #-4]!	; callee saves R0

	MOV	R0, R7
	SVC	print_no
	MOV	R0, #'/'
	SVC	print_char
	MOV	R0, R8
	SVC	print_no
	MOV	R0, #'/'
	SVC	print_char
	MOV	R0, R9
	SVC	print_no
	MOV	R0, #cLF
	SVC	print_char

	LDR	R0, [SP], #4	; callee saved register

; def printAgeHistory (bDay, bMonth, bYear)

; parameters
;  R0 = bDay (on entry, moved to R6 to allow SVC to output via R0)
;  R1 = bMonth
;  R2 = bYear
; local variables (callee-saved registers)
;  R4 = year
;  R5 = age
;  R6 = bDay - originally R0

printAgeHistory	STMFD	SP!, {R4-R9, LR}	; callee saves seven registers, R7-R9 are used for printDate

		MOV	R6, R0		; Get parameter from R0 (R1 and R2 still work)

;   year = bYear + 1
		ADD	R4, R2, #1
;   age = 1;
		MOV	R5, #1

; print("This person was born on " + str(bDay) + "/" + str(bMonth) + "/" + str(bYear))
		ADRL	R0, wasborn
		SVC	print_str
		MOV	R7, R6
		MOV	R8, R1
		MOV	R9, R2
		BL	printDate

; while year < pYear or
;				(year == pYear and bMonth < pMonth) or
;				(year == pYear and bMonth == pMonth and bDay < pDay):
loop1	LDR	R0, pYear
		CMP	R4, R0
		BLO	history		; if year < pYear: jump to history
		BNE	end1		; if year != pYear: jump to end1
		LDR	R0, pMonth
		CMP	R1, R0
		BLO	history		; if bMonth < pMonth: jump to history
		BNE	end1		; if bMonth != pMonth: jump to end1
		LDR	R0, pDay
		CMP	R6, R0
		BHS	end1		; if bDay >= pDay: jump to end1; else: continue to execute (to history)

;  print("This person was " + str(age) + " on " + str(bDay) + "/" + str(bMonth) + "/" + str(year))
history	ADRL	R0, was
		SVC	print_str
		MOV	R0, R5
		SVC	print_no
		ADRL	R0, on
		SVC	print_str
		MOV	R7, R6
		MOV	R8, R1
		MOV	R9, R4
		BL	printDate

		; year = year + 1
		ADD	R4, R4, #1
		; age = age + 1
		ADD	R5, R5, #1
		; //}
		B	loop1

; if (bMonth == pMonth and bDay == pDay):
		LDR	R0, pMonth
		CMP	R1, R0
		BNE	else1		; if bMonth != pMonth: jump to else1
		LDR	R0, pDay
		CMP	R6, R0
		BNE	else1		; if bDay != pDay: jump to else1; else: continue to execute

; print("This person is " + str(age) + " today!")
		ADRL	R0, is
		SVC	print_str
		MOV	R0, R5
		SVC	print_no
		ADRL	R0, today
		SVC	print_str
		MOV	R0, #cLF
		SVC	print_char

; else
		B	end2
; print("This person will be " + str(age) + " on " + str(bDay) + "/" + str(bMonth) + "/" + str(year))
		ADRL	R0, willbe
		SVC	print_str
		MOV	R0, R5
		SVC	print_no
		ADRL	R0, on
		SVC	print_str
		MOV	R7, R6
		MOV	R8, R1
		MOV	R9, R4
		BL	printDate

; }// end of printAgeHistory
end2	LDMFD	SP!, {R4-R9}		; callee saved registers
		LDR	PC, [SP], #4

another		DEFB	"Another person",10,0

; def main():
	LDR	R4, =&12345678		; Test value - not part of Java compilation
	MOV	R5, R4			; See later if these registers corrupted
	MOV	R6, R4

; printAgeHistory(pDay, pMonth, 2000)
		LDR	R0, pDay		; Use registers for method parameters
		LDR	R1, pMonth
		MOV	R2, #2000
		BL	printAgeHistory

; print("Another person");
		ADRL	R0, another
		SVC	print_str

; printAgeHistory(13, 11, 2000)
		MOV	R0, #13		; Use registers for method parameters
		MOV	R1, #11
		MOV	R2, #2000
		BL	printAgeHistory

	; Now check to see if register values intact (Not pat of Python code)
	LDR	R0, =&12345678		; Test value
	CMP	R4, R0			; Did you preserve these registers?
	CMPEQ	R5, R0			;
	CMPEQ	R6, R0			;

	ADRLNE	R0, whoops1		; Oh dear!
	SVCNE	print_str		;

	ADRL	R0, _stack		; Have you balanced pushes & pops?
	CMP	SP, R0			;

	ADRLNE	R0, whoops2		; Oh no!!
	SVCNE	print_str		; End of test code

; }// end of main
		SVC	stop

whoops1		DEFB	"\n** BUT YOU CORRUPTED REGISTERS!  **\n", 0
whoops2		DEFB	"\n** BUT YOUR STACK DIDN'T BALANCE!  **\n", 0



printAgeHistory	STMFD	SP!, {R0-R2, R4-R6}	; callee saves six registers (PUSH {R0-R2, R4-R6})

		LDR	R6, [SP, #(6 + 2) * 4]	; Get parameters from stack
		LDR	R1, [SP, #(6 + 1) * 4]
		LDR	R2, [SP, #(6 + 0) * 4]
; end of printAgeHistory
end2	LDMFD	SP!, {R0-R2, R4-R6}		; callee saved registers (POP {R0-R2, R4-R6})
; printAgeHistory(pDay, pMonth, 2000)
		LDR	R2, pDay
		LDR	R1, pMonth
		MOV	R0, #2000
		STMFD	SP!, {R0-R2}		; Stack three parameters (PUSH {R0-R2})
		BL	printAgeHistory
		ADD	SP, SP, #12		; Deallocate three 32-bit variables (no need to POP {R0-R2}, ADD is more efficient)


A WindRunner. VoyagingOne


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