s = (a ^ b) ^ cin ; cout = ((a ^ b) . cin) + (a . b) ;
// Full adder design using verilog primitive gates // All gates have a 1ns delay (#1 = 1ns) `timescale 1ns/100ps `default_nettype none //Module definition module full_adder(input wire a, input wire b, input wire cin, output wire s, output wire cout); //Internal connections should be specified here wire axorb; // a^b wire ab; // a.b wire cin_axorb; // cin.(a^b) // Sum logic for full adder s=(a^b)^cin xor #1 gate1 (axorb, a, b); xor #1 gate2 (s, cin, axorb); // Carry logic for full adder cout=cin.(a^b) + a.b and #1 gate3 (ab, a, b); and #1 gate4 (cin_axorb, cin, axorb); or #1 gate5 (cout, cin_axorb, ab); endmodule `default_nettype wire
Verilog编写的构建以module为单位,定义输入、输出、中间变量,其中wire相当于物理连线,设计逻辑门,将对应的wire参数与逻辑门输出和输入相连即可,逻辑门编写无顺序要求,只关注连接的结构。代码中 #1 代表延迟1ns,以模拟真实逻辑门信号传递的延迟。
// Full adder testbench // #1 = 1ns `timescale 1ns/100ps module full_adder_tb(); // Internal connections reg a; reg b; reg cin; wire s; wire cout; // Instantiate full adder as dut (device under test) full_adder dut(a, b, cin, s, cout); // Test vectors // All combinations required initial begin a = 0; b = 0; cin = 0; #100 a = 1; #100 a = 0; b = 1; #100 a = 1; #100 a = 0; b = 0; cin = 1; #100 a = 1; #100 a = 0; b = 1; #100 a = 1; #100 $finish; // exit the simulation end // Save results as VCD file initial begin $dumpfile("full_adder_tb_results.vcd"); // Save simulation waveforms in this file $dumpvars; // Capture all simulation waveforms end endmodule
iverilog -y. -o full_adder_output full_adder_tb.v full_adder.v vvp full_adder_output gtkwave full_adder_tb_results.vcd
// 4-bit adder design using verilog primitive gates `timescale 1ns/100ps `default_nettype none //Module definition module adder_4bit(input wire [3:0] a, input wire [3:0] b, input wire cin, output wire [3:0] s, output wire cout); //Internal carry connections wire [2:0] c; // carry out of three bits // Instantiate 4 x full_adder full_adder adder0 (a[0], b[0], cin, s[0], c[0]); full_adder adder1 (a[1], b[1], c[0], s[1], c[1]); full_adder adder2 (a[2], b[2], c[1], s[2], c[2]); full_adder adder3 (a[3], b[3], c[2], s[3], cout); endmodule `default_nettype wire
// 4-bit adder testbench `timescale 1ns/100ps module adder_4bit_tb(); // Internal connections reg [3:0] a; reg [3:0] b; reg cin; wire [3:0] s; wire cout; // Instantiate adder_4bit as dut (device under test) adder_4bit dut(a, b, cin, s, cout); // Test vectors initial begin // Using 14 test vectors the interconnect of the 4bit added can be verified // Check all fulladders are connected to something, s=0 cout=0 not Xs #100 a='b0000; b='b0000; cin=0; // Check connections for a[0], b[0], cin, S[0], S=0001 cout=0 #100 a='b0001; b='b0000; cin=0; #100 a='b0000; b='b0001; cin=0; #100 a='b0000; b='b0000; cin=1; // Check connection of carry out of the first adder #100 a='b0001; b='b0001; cin=0; // Check connections for a[1], b[1], c[1] #100 a='b0010; b='b0000; cin=0; #100 a='b0000; b='b0010; cin=0; // 7 MORE TESTS #100 a='b0010; b='b0010; cin=0; #100 a='b0100; b='b0000; cin=0; #100 a='b0000; b='b0100; cin=0; #100 a='b0100; b='b0100; cin=0; #100 a='b1000; b='b0000; cin=0; #100 a='b0000; b='b1000; cin=0; #100 a='b1000; b='b1000; cin=0; // Connectivity tests completed. // TESTS FOR FINDING MAXIMUM CARRY DELAY // 2 test vectors required - one to initialise followed by the 2nd to exercise // the critical path #100 a='b0000; b='b0000; cin=0; #100 a='b1111; b='b0000; cin=1; // delay for end of wave traces to be visible #100 $finish; // exit the simulation end // Save results as VCD file initial begin $dumpfile("adder_4bit_tb_results.vcd"); // Save simulation waveforms in this file $dumpvars; // Capture all simulation waveforms end endmodule
这里不再贴出波形结果,仅讨论一下最大延时问题。为了达成最大延迟必须确保全加器中的gate4即输出cin_axorb的与门避免触发短路逻辑,为此a与b的异或结果必须为1,每一位输入均满足 a≠b ,并且进位输入cin为1,即每一位始终有进位出现。
在这种情况下,4位加法器cout的最大延时为9ns,具体的,在第1ns时所有4个加法器同时完成了a异或b的运算,等待前一个加法器的cin输入,之后从低位到高位每个加法器依次延迟2ns(gate4 和 gate5的延迟)并传递进位值cout,最终总延时 1 + 2 * 4 = 9ns。
// 16-bit adder design using verilog primitive gates `timescale 1ns/100ps `default_nettype none module adder_16bit(input wire [15:0] a, input wire [15:0] b, input wire cin, output wire [15:0] s, output wire cout); //Internal carry connections wire [3:0] c; //carry out of 4 4bit adders // Instantiate 4 x adder_4bit adder_4bit adder4b0 (a[3:0], b[3:0], cin, s[3:0], c[0]); adder_4bit adder4b1 (a[7:4], b[7:4], c[0], s[7:4], c[1]); adder_4bit adder4b2 (a[11:8], b[11:8], c[1], s[11:8], c[2]); adder_4bit adder4b3 (a[15:12], b[15:12], c[2], s[15:12], cout); endmodule `default_nettype wire
// 16-bit adder testbench // #1 = 1ns `timescale 1ns/100ps module adder_16bit_tb(); // Internal connections reg [15:0] a; reg [15:0] b; reg cin; wire [15:0] s; wire cout; // Instantiate adder_16bit as dut (device under test) adder_16bit dut(a, b, cin, s, cout); // Test vectors initial begin // 38 test vectors required for connectivity tests // Check all adders are connected to something, S=0 cout=0 not Xs #100 a=16'h0000; b=16'h0000; cin=0; //Check connections for A[0], B[0], Cin, S[0], S=0001 cout=0 #100 a=16'h0001; #100 a=16'h0000; b=16'h0001; #100 a=16'h0000; b=16'h0000; cin=1; //Check connections for A[1], B[1], S[1] #100 a=16'h0002; b=16'h0000; cin=0; #100 a=16'h0000; b=16'h0002; //Check connections for A[2], B[2], S[2] #100 a=16'h0004; b=16'h0000; #100 a=16'h0000; b=16'h0004; //Check connections for A[3], B[3], S[3] #100 a=16'h0008; b=16'h0000; #100 a=16'h0000; b=16'h0008; //Check connection of carry out of the first 4bit adder in to 2nd 4-bit adder #100 a=16'h0008; b=16'h0008; // Continue with the same pattern shown above // 27 test vectors including the carry out // ------------------------------------------------- //check connections for A[7:4], B[7:4], S[7,4] #100 a=16'h0010; b=16'h0000; #100 a=16'h0000; b=16'h0010; #100 a=16'h0020; b=16'h0000; #100 a=16'h0000; b=16'h0020; #100 a=16'h0040; b=16'h0000; #100 a=16'h0000; b=16'h0040; #100 a=16'h0080; b=16'h0000; #100 a=16'h0000; b=16'h0080; //Check connection of carry out of the 2nd 4bit adder in to 3rd 4-bit adder #100 a=16'h0080; b=16'h0080; //check connections for A[11:8], B[11:8], S[11:8] #100 a=16'h0100; b=16'h0000; #100 a=16'h0000; b=16'h0100; #100 a=16'h0200; b=16'h0000; #100 a=16'h0000; b=16'h0200; #100 a=16'h0400; b=16'h0000; #100 a=16'h0000; b=16'h0400; #100 a=16'h0800; b=16'h0000; #100 a=16'h0000; b=16'h0800; //Check connection of carry out of the 3rd 4bit adder in to 4th 4-bit adder #100 a=16'h0800; b=16'h0800; //check connections for A[15:12], B[15:12], S[15:12] #100 a=16'h1000; b=16'h0000; #100 a=16'h0000; b=16'h1000; #100 a=16'h2000; b=16'h0000; #100 a=16'h0000; b=16'h2000; #100 a=16'h4000; b=16'h0000; #100 a=16'h0000; b=16'h4000; #100 a=16'h8000; b=16'h0000; #100 a=16'h0000; b=16'h8000; //Check connection of carry out of the 4th 4bit adder in to cout #100 a=16'h8000; b=16'h8000; // Connectivity tests completed. // TESTS FOR FINDING MAXIMUM CARRY DELAY // 2 test vectors required - one to initialise followed by the 2nd to exercise // the critical path #100 a=16'h0000; b=16'h0000; cin=0; #100 a=16'hFFFF; b=16'h0000; cin=1; // ------------------------------------------------- // delay for end of wave traces to be visible #100 $finish; end // Save results as VCD file initial begin $dumpfile("adder_16bit_tb_results.vcd"); // Save simulation waveforms in this file $dumpvars; // Capture all simulation waveforms end endmodule
其中最大延迟 delay = 1 + 2 * 16 = 33ns。
The end~
module adder_64bit(input wire [63:0] a, input wire [63:0] b, input wire cin, output reg [63:0] sum, output reg carry); always @ (*) {carry, sum} = a + b + cin; endmodule